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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cara Membuat Tart


Cara Membuat Tart Coklat Strawberry

Pengetahuan cara membuat tart bisa anda tambahkan dalam buku resep kue dan masakan anda pada resep kali ini. Resep cara membuat tart coklat strawberry sebagai salah satu resep masakan kue basah. Resep cara membuat tart ini disajikan hanya untuk 12 potong, untuk ukuran yang lebih besar anda hanya tinggal menambahkan bahan-bahannya saja.

Selain rasa cokelatnya yang nikmat terdapat taburan starwberry yang terlihat indah dan menggugah selera. Cara membuat tart coklat strawberry juga tidak terlalu sulit dan juga bahan - bahan yang mudah didapat diberbagai toko untuk pengolahan cara membuat tart coklat strawberry.

Berikut ini bahan-bahan cara membuat tart coklat strawberry yang harus anda sediakan sebelumnya,

Bahan :
  • 5 butir telur
  • 150 gram gula pasir
  • 140 gram tepung terigu
  • 20 gram cokelat bubuk
  • 1/2 sendok teh baking powder
  • 100 gram margarin lelehkan

Es Krim : 1 liter es krim rasa strawberry

Berikut ini cara membuat tart :
  • Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 175 derajat Celcius, siapkan loyang bulat ukuran 20 cm, olesi dengan margarin, taburi dengan tepung terigu, sisihkan lalu siapkan loyang bongkar pasang ukuran 20 cm, sisihkan.
  • Cake : kocok telur bersama gula hingga mengembang dan lembut, masukkan tepung terigu, baking powder dan cokelat bubuk, aduk rata, tambahkan margarinyang telah dilelehkan, aduk rata, tuangkan ke dalam loyang dan panggang selama 30 menit, matang, angkat dan dinginkan.
  • Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang dan lapisi bagian dalam dengan aluminium foil.
  • Potong cake mendatar menjadi 3 bagian, ambil bagian terbawah taruh dalam loyang, tuangkan setengah bagian es krim, tutup dengan potongan kue kedua, tuangkan sisa es krim dan tutup dengan potonga kue ketiga, rapatkan dan tutup dengan aluminium foil, simpan dalam freezer sedikitnya 3 jam.
  • Sajikan.

Untuk : 12 potong

Demikian cara membuat tart coklat strawberry pada resep kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.

Baca juga: pink ribbon pie.

Pink Ribbon Pie


Breast cancer reaches so many lives. Estimates show that by the end of 2012 in the U.S. alone, close to a quarter of a million new cases of invasive breast cancer (there are other types) in women will have been diagnosed.
That number means almost nothing, until it reaches you or someone you know.
I know too many women who have received the diagnosis – a fellow teacher, a neighbor, a friend, an aunt, my husband’s grandmother, my mother-in-law. And my mom. She’s a fourteen-year (this month), two-time breast cancer survivor.

I’ll never forget the day my mom first told my sister and me that her mammogram indicated a lump and doctors confirmed it was breast cancer. It felt like the world came to a screeching halt when those two words slipped off my mom’s tongue and into the air. My sister and I were so afraid of the possible outcome. I can only imagine how scared my mom must have been. And then she had to experience it all over again last year, when she heard the diagnosis for a second time.

Fortunately, my mom regularly had routine mammograms performed, so doctors found the lumps early on both occasions. Because of that, my mom underwent lumpectomies and radiation treatment and was able to avoid chemotherapy.

Thirteen years ago, my mom, my sister, and I walked in our first Race for the Cure, to benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. We know, first hand, the importance of early detection. Without mammograms, my mom might not be here today.
Aside from a few years with conflicting schedules, we’ve walked in the race each year since 1999. This year’s Des Moines, Iowa, Race for the Cure took place yesterday. My sister couldn’t join us, but this year my children did for the first time. They walked with my mom and me on the one-mile loop. Along the way they were entertained by a very talented corps of drummers. They also took part in the kids' fun run. But the highlight of their first Race for the Cure was having their photo taken with a Star Wars Stormtrooper.

I know my young children don’t understand the real reason we walked in the race. To them it was an experience in walking too closely to a bunch of jubilously crazy people dressed in pink boas and pink wigs, down the center of a crowded city street they don’t otherwise get to walk down, in the cold autumn air. Oh, and to meet a character from one of their favorite movies, who they might possibly deem a hero simply because he’s in one of their favorite movies.

As some of the “bad guys”, Stormtroopers aren’t exactly my idea of heroes. But if they could forever wipe out an enemy like breast cancer from the face of Planet Earth, they just might be.

Someday, my kids will understand why we race. I only hope they don’t have to understand it first-hand.

After all, isn’t that really why we race?

Yours in pie (and in the race),


Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the pink ribbon is the international symbol, I wanted to incorporate a pink ribbon into my pie-baking this week. I decided on Rhubarb Cream Pie from Two Chicks from the Sticks: Back Home Bakingsince the rhubarb would show up pink. When I rolled out the top crust, I used a knife to carefully carve out a ribbon shape and then carefully adjusted the top crust onto the filling. I’m not very artsy, but I think it turned out looking like a pink ribbon, and the pie tasted great!

Rhubarb Cream Pie

Pastry dough for a two-crust 9-inch pie

1 ¾ c. sugar

3 eggs, slightly beaten

¼ c. all-purpose flour

¾ tsp. ground nutmeg

4 c. rhubarb, diced (if using frozen, defrost and lightly drain off excess liquid)

1 T. butter

Line pie plate with bottom crust.

To prepare filling, combine sugar, eggs, flour, nutmeg, and rhubarb in a bowl. Pour mixture into prepared pie plate. Dot filling with small pieces of the butter.

Adjust top crust, seal and crimp edges. Cut slits to allow steam to escape. Cover edges with foil to prevent overbrowning. Bake pie at 400°for 15 minutes, then lower oven temp. to 350° and bake for another 45 to 55 minutes or until filling is bubbly in center. Cool completely on wire rack before slicing.

see also article grandmas horses and apple pie.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kue Roti


Resep Kue Roti

Banyak aneka resep kue roti atau cara pembuatan kue roti, dari pengolahan kue yang berbahan roti ataupun tentang pembuatan roti itu sendiri. Namun kali ini saya ingin membahas cara membuat resep kue roti yang mengolah roti tawar yang diisi dengan berbagai bahan yang bermanfaat bagi asupan protein tubuh.

Membuat kue roti pada resep kali ini terasa mudah dan cepat, resep ini juga dapat anda kreasikan menurut selera anda sendiri. Semoga sajian resep ini bermanfaat.

Berikut ini resep kue roti yang akan kita sajikan pada menu kue dan masakan kali ini,

Bahan resep kue roti puding srikaya :
  • 16 lembar roti tawar
  • 300 gram selai srikaya
  • 8 butir telur ayam
  • 1000 mili liter susu segar
  • 1 sendok teh vanili bubuk
  • 1 sendok teh kayu manis bubuk
  • 150 gram gula putih

Sebagai bahan taburan kue roti:
  • 4 sendok makan manisan kulit jeruk potonglah menjadi kecil-kecil
  • 2 sendok teh gula pasir

Cara membuat kue roti puding srikaya :
  • Setiap lembar roti diolesi menggunakan selai srikaya.
  • Tutup bagian yang diolesi dengan lembar roti lainnya
  • Potonglah roti tadi sehingga jadi dua atau empat bagian
  • Tata pada penggan tahan panas yang telah diolesi mentega
  • Kocoklah telur kemudian campurkan bersama susu, vanili dan kayu manis
  • Tuanglah pada pinggan berisi roti.
  • Taburi dengan manisan kulit jeruk.
  • Panggang pada oven panas dengan suhu 180 C kurang lebih 45 menit.
  • Angkat. Sajikan.

Resep kue roti ini cukup untuk 12 orang.

Baca juga: artikel lainnya.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Masakan Praktis


Masakan Praktis Calzone

Membuat masakan praktis sangat dibutuhkan dalam kondisi waktu yang sempit, pada umumnya orang di Nusantara lebih memilih membuat mie instant, namun mengkonsumsi mie instant tidak boleh dilakukan hampir setiap hari, masakan praktis berupa mie  instant hanya boleh dilakukan 4 hari sekali, karena kandungan zat pewarna dan zat pengawet yang terdapat dalam mie instant akan benar-benar bersih dari tubuh kita setelah 4 hari.

Ada baiknya kita memilih membuat masakan praktis yang lebih berkreasi tanpa mengurangi kandungan gizi dan protein dalam masakan praktis tersebut.

Berikut resep masakan praktis yang bisa anda masukan sebagai salah satu koleksi resep masakan, adapun isi masakan dapat anda buat dan disimpan untuk digunakan dilain waktu.

Bahan masakan praktis Calzone :

Bahan Dasar Calzone :
  • 500 gram tepung terigu, ayak
  • 1 sendok teh ragi instant
  • 2 sendok makan gula pasir
  • 1/2 sendok teh garam
  • 200 ml air
  • 50 ml minya selada

Bahan Isi Calzone :
  • 1 sendok makan margarin
  • 3 sendok makan bawang bombay, cincang
  • 5 siung bawang putih, cincang
  • 3 sendok makan pasta tomat
  • 8 sendok makan saus tomat
  • 1 sendok teh garam,
  • 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk,
  • 1 sendok makan gula pasir
  • 1 sendok teh oregano bubuk
  • 2 lembar daging asap, iris
  • 50 gram jamur kancing
  • 2 buah sosis sapi
  • 1 buah tomatsegar, iris
  • 1 paprika hijau
  • 50 gram keju cheddar, parut

Cara membuat :
  • Dasar: campur terigu dengan ragi instant, gula pasir, garam aduk rata, masukkan air, uleni, tambahkan minyak selada dan terus uleni hingga kalis, diamkan selama 30 menit.
  • Isi: panaskan magarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukan pasta tomat, saus tomat, garam, merica bubuk, gula pasir , oregano bubuk, masak sebentar, angkat.
  • Penyelesaian : pipihkan adonan hingga setebal 0,5 cm, tarih dalam loyang pizza ukuran 22 cm, isi setengah bagian adonan dengan isian saus, taburi dengan daging asap, sosis, jamur kancing, tomat, paprika dan keju Cheddar. lipat seperti pastel, panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 175 derajt celcius selama 30 menit atau hingga matang.

untuk : 6 orang

Bahan-bahan dapat anda simpan dan dapat digunakan kemudian hari hanya dengan menghangatkan saja. Semoga resep masakan praktis ini bermanfaat.

Baca juga: artikel lainnya.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two Chicks and Chocolate Cream Pie


Chocolate lovers – prepare!

Grab your rolling pin, and get a fork. This pie is so good, you’ll want to eat till it’s gone. (I haven’t done this myself, of course, I’m just saying that you will want to.)

It’s so good, it earned me first place in the one-crust cream class of the Machine Shed Pies division at this year’s Iowa State Fair. This is definitely the best chocolate cream pie I’ve ever tasted. The chocolate flavor is rich and intense, and after you make this pie, you’ll want to make the filling alone for your next chocolate pudding fix. It’s really that good!

It’s so good, that I call it Classic Chocolate Cream Pie, because that’s what I think of when I eat this pie. Though perhaps I should name it again, as The Best Chocolate Cream Pie Ever. After all, that’s what it is, in my not-so-humble opinion.

Two Chicks from the Sticks named it Chocolate Whipped Cream Pie for their cookbook, Two Chicks from the Sticks: Back Home Baking. And this is one of the best baking books ever. (You’ll recall that I love to read cookbooks like novels, and this is one of them.)

Jill Schwalbe Means and Jamie Greenland Gorey, also known as the Two Chicks from the Sticks, grew up on neighboring farms near Grand River in southern Iowa. As best friends, they did everything together, including learning how to bake. As adults, they created a cookbook, to share their love of baking and the recipes they grew up with, as well as to pay tribute to all those hard-working rural women who taught them how.

Jill’s and Jamie’s cookbook is more than a compilation of the best recipes they enjoyed back home in their small community. It’s also full of photographs from their childhood days and stories about the women who influenced their culinary abilities. And it’s like reading the history of my own childhood.

When I came across this…

Jill, with her sisters on the first day of the new school year.

...it reminded me of this.

Me with my rolled-up jeans, and my sister, Amy, with her Trapper Keeper (and her perm).
Not only do the recipes remind me of my culinary adventures growing up, courtesy of the many women in my own life of the rural community of Wellsburg, Iowa. The stories and photos take me back to my days spent as a 4-Her, to church and community dinners and potlucks, to Sunday afternoon tea with my grandparents, to popcorn balls we made with my mom for Halloween, to riding horses with my cousins on my grandparents’ farm, to sleepovers and slumber parties and the treats my friends’ moms would prepare for us, to homemade birthday cake, and to my sister and I rolling up our jeans for the picture our dad would snap of us standing in the driveway on the first day of school each year.

There’s just one thing I wish I could change. I wish I could have ridden the school bus, so my sister and I could share dessert from the night before as our breakfast, the way Jamie and Jill did on their hour-long bus ride every morning. I would happily have taken a duct-taped seat just to have the chance!

If you’re wondering, there are plenty of pie recipes in this cookbook from which to choose, including apple, mincemeat, and specialties like Zucchini Pie. There are also three pie crust recipes, and of course, stories that will make you wish you grew up on a farm near a small rural Iowa town back in the ‘70s and ‘80s, too.

Here’s what Jill has to say about the Chocolate Whipped Cream Pie, the one I made for this week’s pie on Sunday:

This recipe was inspired by Ramadean Shields, a family friend and a highly respected member of our rural community. She is known for her signature chocolate pie. This pie was so popular at community gatherings that it was the first to disappear. Try this creamy, chocolaty, and incredibly yummy treat, and you’ll see why.

I couldn’t agree more!

Yours in pie,


I listed the recipe for how I made the pie. I made a few minor alterations, such as my directions for baking the crust. If you have the Two Chicks cookbook and you make this pie, be sure to either update your recipe from the one listed on their blog, or follow my instructions below. There was a mistype in the directions printed in the cookbook, but if you are experienced at making cream pies, you will easily catch it and adjust anyway.

Classic Chocolate Cream Pie (or, The Best Chocolate Cream Pie Ever)

For the crust:
Pastry for a one-crust 9” pie

Roll out and ease crust into pie plate. Line pastry with parchment paper and pie weights. Bake at 450° for 8 minutes, remove paper and weights; bake 5-6 minutes more or until golden. Cool completely.

For the filling:

1 c. sugar

3 T. cornstarch

½ tsp. salt

2 T. cocoa

3 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped

3 c. whole milk

3 beaten egg yolks

2 T. butter

1 tsp. vanilla

In medium saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, and cocoa; mix well. Gradually add milk and semisweet chocolate, whisking until smooth. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture just begins to boil. Remove from heat. Slowly and gradually stir 1 cup of hot mixture into beaten egg yolks in a small bowl. Add this to hot mixture in pan and return to stove. Stirring constantly, cook over medium-low heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla. Transfer to a glass bowl and cover surface of pudding with plastic wrap; chill in refrigerator for several hours. Once cool, pour into pie shell and spread evenly.
For the topping:

2 c. heavy whipping cream

¼ c. powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Milk chocolate shavings

In large mixing bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form while gradually adding powdered sugar. Add vanilla. Spread about half of whipped cream over pie. Pipe remaining whipped cream onto pie to decorate. Garnish with chocolate shavings.

Kue Nastar


Kue Nastar Keju

Kue Nastar keju sudah sangat dikenal oleh banyak orang, hampir setiap rumah menyediakan kue nastar keju sebagai hidangan untuk para tamu. Membuat kue nastar tidak terlalu sulit, oleh karena hal tersebut banyak pembuat kue nastar membuat berbagai kreasi dalam pembuatan kue nastar. Dengan berbagai resep kue nastar yang tersebar di internet dan dikreasikan dalam cara pembuatannya menjadikan sesuatu yang unik dalam bentuk dan rasa.

Kue nastar juga banyak dijual di pasar atau toko-toko kue dan makanan, dengan berbagai rasa dan campuran. Sehingga membuat banyak pilihan akan selera para pembelinya. Anda dapat membuat kue nastar keju melalui resep kue nastar berikut ini, anda dapat pula menambahkan bahan-bahan lainnya sesuai kreasi dan imajinasi anda.

Bahan untuk Isi kue nastar :
  • 200 gram nanas parut
  • 100 gram gula pasir
  • 2 cm kayu manis

Bahan Adonan Kue:
  • 200 gram mentega
  • 3 kuning telur ayam
  • 250 gram tepung terigu
  • 1 sendok makan susu bubuk
  • 100 gram keju Edam tua, parut
  • ½ sendok teh vanili bubuk
  • 1 kuning telur untuk olesan
  • 50 gram keju Cheddar parut

Cara membuat kue nastar keju :
• Bahan Isi: Rebus semua bahan menjadi satu di atas api kecil hingga kental atau air nanas habis dan warnanya agak kecokelatan. Angkat dan dinginkan.
• Bahan Kue: Kocok mentega dan kuning telur hingga lembut.
• Tambahkan tepung terigu, susu, keju, dan vanili. Aduk hingga rata.
• Bentuk adonan menjadi bola-bola kecil, pipihkan. Isi dengan sedikit selai nanas. Bulatkan kembali.
• Taruh di atas loyang datar bersemir margarin. Oelsi permukaannya dengan kuning telur. Taburi keju parut.
• Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selama 30 menit hingga kuning kecokelatan.
• Angkat dan dinginkan.

Untuk 750 gram

Demikian resep kue nastar keju hari ini, semoga dapat menjadi salah satu koleksi kue dan masakan anda dan semoga bermanfaat.

Baca juga: artikel lainnya.

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