Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Monday, July 8, 2013

Appleberry Pie...Gone!


I brought three pies to my family reunion this past weekend. I came home with two slices of peach pie (promptly finished off last night), but the strawberry-rhubarb pie was gone, and so was the apple-blackberry pie. If it hadn’t been such a hot day, I might have had the ambition to take a few photos to share with you.....before we polished it off.
I have entered this pie in the Iowa State Fair a few times. It took 3rd place in the two-crust fruit class at the 2009 fair and again in the 2010 fair. I try to improve my entries from year to year, at least until I earn first place…..so I guess I have a little work to do on this one! No matter the fair results, if you are a berry lover, you must try this pie. (And give me any suggestions you have to improve it!)
Yours in pie,

Appleberry Pie

Pastry for double-crust 9” pie

2 c. frozen blackberries, partially thawed*

2 c. thinly-sliced, peeled Golden Delicious apples

½ T. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 c. sugar

2 ½ tsp. cornstarch

2 ½ tsp. tapioca

½ tsp. ground cinnamon

2 T. butter


Sparkling sugar
*I often use one whole 12 oz. bag, which partially-thaws to about 2 cups.

Combine blackberries, apple slices, and lemon juice. In a separate bowl, combine sugar, cornstarch, tapioca, and cinnamon. Add to fruit mixture and combine gently. Let stand 15 minutes. Transfer to pastry-lined pie plate. Dot the top of filling with butter. Adjust top crust; seal and flute edges. Brush crust with milk; sprinkle with sparkling sugar. Cover edges with foil to prevent over-browning. Bake on lower middle rack at 400° for 10 minutes; lower heat to 350° and bake for 1 hour more or until crust is lightly browned and filling is bubbly in center. (Remove foil last 15 minutes of baking.) Cool completely on wire rack.

see also article butter scoth at potluck



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